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Sign-up for our Kickstarter, 1st edition release and more!

Welcome to Bad Plumbing, a completely new balancing stacking game by me, Liam Clift

After amazing encouragement from game design professional and game testers alike at Protospiel MN, I’m working hard to 3D print my first 100 copies with a prototype edition.

Honestly, I just want people to have fun with my game. People tell me publishers might be interested in my game because it’s original with “table presence.”

You tell me?

So, if you’d like me to “playtest” my all ages game with your group, class, summer camp, etc., l can bring the fun! I’ll gather feedback as we refine the rules and “tubes.” The goal: Maximum fun.  

Sign-up for our Beta testing community.

If you have access to a 3D printer and promise not to share my STL files, I’m providing those to the first 25 beta testers interested. So sign-up now if you want to help me improve and then launch the game.  

Huge thanks to everyone, especially my high school Cretin-Derham Hall for all their support.

Bad Plumbing Fun